ПОМОГИТЕ Correct the mistakes1) bye peter III meeting…

alien_ 02 сентября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ Correct the mistakes1) bye peter III meeting you at the computer club later2) Sue loves space. She are going to be an astronaut3) Be careful You going to break the computer4) Life will to be very interesting in the future5) Nasa is going sed a space ship to Mars6) I think we`ll doing a virtual skydive this afternoon

категория: английский язык


1) Bye Peter, I'll meet you at the computer club later. 2) Sue loves space. She is going to be an astronaut.3) Be careful! You are going to break the computer.4) Life will be very interesting in the future.5) NASA is going to send a space ship to Mars. 6) I think we'll be doing a virtual skydive this afternoon.

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