Помогите cрочно, пожалуйта: Choose the correct Present Tenses:…

skldfjfd 15 сентября 2023

Помогите cрочно, пожалуйта: Choose the correct Present Tenses: 1. -You (smoke)? -Yes, I do. -How long you (smoke)? -Well, let me see. I (smoke) since I (be) seventeen. So I (smoke) sor almost four years.

категория: английский язык


1) -Do you smoke? -Yes, i do.-How long do you smoke? -Well, let me see. I have been smoking since I was seventeen. So I smoke sor almost four years.-Do you want to give it up? -Yes, I plan to stop it very soon. In fact, I decide to do it on my next birthday. -Where is Irina? She was absent from class for the last three days. Have anyone see her lately? -I have. I saw her yesterday. She has a bad cold, so she has been in bed since the weekend. -Shhh. Alexander is talking on the phone. It is a long distance call.-Who is he talking to? -His brother. They were talking for almost an hour. I think his brother has some kind of trouble. -Do you have any plans for vacation? -Yes, I do. I plan to go to Sochi.-Have you ever been there before? -Yes, I have. I was in Sochi two months ago. My sister lives there, so I often go there. -Where is Bonald? -He is studying at the library.- How long he was studying there? -Since two o"clock this afternoon.-Does he study at the library every day? -Not every day, but often.

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