Помогите эссэ на английском языке…

mansur123 05 октября 2023

Помогите эссэ на английском языке… на тему: сколько детей должно быть в семье… прошу вас очень нужно… . Не очень большое…

категория: английский язык


I think that every family should have children,but every family should choose how many children they want.It's so importante thing.Not every family can bring up and contain so many children.Everybody understand,that it's so difficult to feed,to dress and to bring up 3 or more children.On one hand,it's so good to have many children,because you will have so much enjoy of them.If you have many children,you will have so much help.But,on the other hand it's bad.So many people throw out their children to the street.It's people who drink so much alchohol or take drugs.It's very bad.I think that it's very difficult to understand how many children should you have.That's why every family should understand by themselves

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