Помогите написать 10 предложений о крыме на английском

tailung 05 ноября 2023

Помогите написать 10 предложений о крыме на английском

категория: английский язык


Crimea I really like, is nice and warm. In Crimea, a lot of sun, light, here the mighty mountains, the warm sea. I want to participate in the contest "Do good to others for good." Now I am learning to make their own movies, I like it. Through movies can convey a lot, and mood, and joy, and wishes. That's why I want to convey through your just created a movie, all people smile, kindness, good humor and joy. That's how I see the world in which I live, in which all of nature is alive and the mountains and the sea. Maybe someone will lift spirits, someone sees beauty as I pass these positive sentiments on other people. And will be transferred to the good mood, both relay and we are all doing good, passing it to each other and it will shine like a rainbow, like clean air.

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