Помогите написать на тему сочинение «Как я вижу мир через 10 лет»…

pautina13 11 сентября 2023

Помогите написать на тему сочинение «Как я вижу мир через 10 лет» на английскомязыке

категория: английский язык


Everybody doesn`t know about what will be in the future. But I`m sure, our future will be innvation. At first , we`ll live in world of innovation technology. Computers will be on desks at all school! So, children won`t read books. They will forget about books! Also. they`ll forget about normal communicate. I thikk it`s horible! I think teachers will be robot in the future. It isn`t right. Becouse the teacher is profession. Also, a lot of the biggest fabric and industrial organisation will poiiut ecology ahd air. Our planet will be a lifless stone globe. We won`t see the different animals and the green plants. That`s what I think about life in the future. And I hope that people around think about it too

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