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zoozoo 21 ноября 2023

Помогите написать небольшой рассказик по английски на тему "My favourite detective story"

категория: английский язык


My favorite detective story is Notes of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. This book was written by really talented writer Arthur Conan Doyle. In this book, Holmes and Watson are trying to solve the mystery what was stay before them. I was interested to read about their adventures. I wonder how they solved the puzzles and tasks that come across their path. They eventually completed the work as usual, successful. I watched movies about Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson several times, but despite this, it was very interestno read this story. I felt that I see this story for the first time. I love these characters as Sherlock Holmes. He's one of those literary characters, which is known to almost everyone, including even those who have not read anything about his adventures. Как-то так)

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