Помогите написать сочинение 10 предложений к каждому фильму из серии…

tohidich 13 ноября 2023

Помогите написать сочинение 10 предложений к каждому фильму из серии наследие человечества про стоунхендж, вестминстер иЭдинбург.

категория: английский язык


In each release of "Heritage of mankind" it is in detail told about three monuments of culture being in one country or in neighboring countries. You will find the detailed description of location of a monument, when and why it was included in the list of the World heritage, and also historical and excursion information. The last pages of each release will make the complete list of monuments of the world culture located over the countries, in alphabetical order.The Westminster palace — a magnificent example of neogothic architecture. The ensemble includes St. Margarita's also small medieval church and the Westminster abbey having huge historical and symbolical value.Stonehendge and Eyvberi enter into number of the best-known megalytic monuments in the world. These two located near the hill Silberi-Hill, sanctuaries, and also a tomb in Vest-Kenneth-Long-Barrow — the invaluable monuments which have reached us since prehistoric times.The capital of Scotland, the city of Edinburgh, accurately shares on two parts: The old city over which medieval fortress, and the New city constructed in neoclassical style towers. Harmonious opposition of these two areas gives to the city its unique look. Вот)

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