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rspct 23 октября 2023

Помогите написать текст на тему " Fashion is important" И желательно чтоб в тексте присутствовали начало нескольких предложений: I thinkthat…

категория: английский язык


i think that fashion can make you look and feel more professional.If you are wearing something that makes you look more professional to a job interview they are more likely to take you seriously and consider you for the job. If people see you and think that you are professional, well kept, and put together than they are more likely to be nice to you. When someone thinks highly of you than someone who thinks that you’re not that great of a person. You will also feel better about yourself and feel like you are professional; therefore you will do better in your work. More than that, fashion is important because it can make you more creative, it is important in culture and religion, and it makes you look and feel more professional. There are many reasons why this is a completely valid point. I have shown you many facts, and explain it all. Let's face it, regardless of your doubts fashion is important.

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23 октября 2023
My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to took after us. So we get Alison. She was very young, seventeenI think, and wonderful. I adored her. She only worked part-time with us before she started her training at Norland College. She had to drees in the morning and take me to school. After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed. On Charlott's birthday she organized a fantas- tic party. When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full-time. She was called Nanny Barnes by everyone, including my parents. She was older and quite traditional and wore a uniform. It was then that I realized that I wanted to be a nanny. I have always got on well with children. I have always enjoyed taking care of my sister and youger cousins. I told Mummy very firmly that I wanted to be a nanny when I grew up. At the time she lauged. I know that she and Daddy thougt it was just a childish phase I was going through, but it wasn't. They thought I would follow in my father's footsteps and study law. But i didn't. There were some terrible rows but I didn't go to university. I left school and spent a year working at Ludgrove School, where Prince William used to go. Then I stated my training course at Norland College. I finished the course last month and I've applied for the post of nanny to twins aged six months. Mummy and Daddy weren't angry for long, we made it up before I went to college, and they have encouraged me ever since.

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