Помогите ответить на письмо Jane и на ее вопросы (другим письмом): …

elena4000 26 октября 2023

Помогите ответить на письмо Jane и на ее вопросы (другим письмом): … .Next week is going to be rather busy for me. Some of our relatives are coming to stay whith us over Easter. My aunt and her husband are coming with their child. tomorrow i'll be busy buying a new dress and shoping for Easter souvenirs. How do you usually celebrate Easter? How are you going to spend Easter holidays? What have you bought as Easter present?

категория: английский язык


Постараюсь оформить в форме ГИА. Moscow, Russia 23,09,2013.Dear Jane,I'm very glad to receive your letter.You ask me how I celebrate Easter. You see, not all Russians spend Easter, because it is a religious holiday. But I live in the devout family, so we are serious about it. The day before the Easter is troublesome. My mother always bake an Easter cake. I help her colouring eggs. It is a tradition. On Easter all our family comes together in our house. We sit at the holiday table and congratulate each other with the words "Christ is risen — He is risen indeed". This Easter we will celebrate in my granny's house. Yesterday I bought a little souvenir for her and a lot of chocolate eggs for my cousins. Keep me in touch.Love, (твое имя)*точку в конце не ставь*

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26 октября 2023
Am a student of Pskov Teacher’s TrainingUniversity named after S.M.Kirov. I am in my first year now. The students of TTU must get a command of their profession and have a broad outlook. First of all the students are engaged in studying. They do their best to acquire necessary knowledge. For that purpose they must never miss seminars, lectures and other classes and prepare their home assignments regularly. An academic year lasts from September till June and is divided into terms each ending in examination session. During every session we take credit tests and exams. This time the students are left to work on their own. They attend consultations, review and revise the material, read for exams in order not to fail them. During the session students are always pressed for time. Those who pass the exams successfully get extra scholarships. All the days of the term are really working days. Usually we have three or four classes every day. We must attend all the lectures and seminars. Lectures are delivered by the qualified lecturers and professors. During the lectures we listen to the lecturers attentively and take notes. The seminars need special preparation. We are to read our notes, all the necessary and additional literature, prepare reports and write essays. At the seminars we speak on the subject by plan and take part in the discussion. The teacher usually asks questions, checks up knowledge and makes a conclusion. We have classes in rftany subjects. At the English lesson we read, translate and retell texts, make up dialogues, do exercises, work with the tape-recorder. We do our home-assignments either at home (in the hostel) or in the reading hall. It usually takes much time to get ready for classes, so after classes our working day goes on. There are good conditions for our studies. Students receive state grants and many of them are provided with hostel accommodation. Many students carry out research in students’ scientific societies. During the scientific conference they make reports and discuss different scientific problems. Like many other students of our University I ‘m going to participate in the scientific activities. Beginning with the second ye? r we must write course papers.If one does everything properly there is little spare time left. Our recreation is usually connected with different parties, dances and discotheque. We spend our leisure reading books, walking, going to the theatre, cinema, concerts, watching TV. A vast majority of students go in for sports. They join the sport clubs, various sections for the sporting interests of the students. Помогите составить 15 вопросов в Present Simple по этому тексту

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