Помогите плиз с англ. Яз. За ранее огромнейшее спасибо!

n_bass 15 сентября 2023

Помогите плиз с англ. Яз. За ранее огромнейшее спасибо! Complete the sentences as in the examples. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Примерhe/transate) He has translated the text.He translated the text an hour ago. 1. (they/be) … .London… London in 2005,2. (she/be) … .South Africa… South Africa two years ago.3. (I/be) … .Wales… Wales last year.4. (he/have breakfast) … .breakfest… .breakfest ten minutes ago. 5. (we/finish) … .the work… the work an hour ago.6. (he/clean) … his room… .his room last Saturday.7. (they/build) … a house… .a house last month.8. (she/come) … a minute ago.9. (we/invite) … him… .him on Wednesday.10 (we/buy) … a present for Granny… a present for Granny yesterday. Make questions. Give short answers.-… .in December? -Yes,… . (It usually snows in December.) -… .? -Yes,… (It is raining.) -… .yesterday? -Yes,… . (It was cold yesterday.) -… .today? -Yes,… (The weather is cold today.) -… last week? -Yes,… . (It often rained last week.) -… tomorrow? -Yes,… . (It will snow tomorrow.) -… in February? -… (It is usually windy in February.) -…? -Yes,… (The days were frosty.) -… .last week? -Yes,… (It often snowed last week.) -… in the park? -Yes,… . (There was a lot of snow in the park.)

категория: английский язык


1They have been to London.they were in London in 2005,2she has been in South Africa. She was in South Africa two years ago.3 T have been to Wales. I was in Wales last year.4He has have breakfast . Ha had breakfast ten minutes ago.5 We have finished the work. We finished the work an hour ago.6he has cleaned his room. He cleaned his room last Saturday7they have built a house. They built a house last month8she has come… She came9we have invited… We invited… 10we have bought… We bought1

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