Помогите, пожалуста срочно надо

shumak 03 октября 2023

Помогите, пожалуста срочно надо. 1) When he came home he____ (to read) an interesting story about the animals. 2) kate entered the classroomwhen John ______ (to stand) at the blackboard.

категория: английский язык


1) When he came home he was reading an interesting story about the animals.2) Kate entered the classroom when John was standing at the blackboard.3) When his mother returned home he had already done his home exercises.4) Asel liked to listen to pop-music when she was younger.5) She didn't sleep when her brother was playing the piano.6) When she came to his home she didn't know that he had left for Astana. 7) Aidar told us that he had invited us to his birthday party in January.8) My sister promised that she would finish her work in two days.9) He asked me if I had lived in Paris 2 years before.

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