Помогите пожалуйста! Change the following sentences using the Passive…

paleo 24 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! Change the following sentences using the Passive Voice. 1) John wrote the letter. 2) They spoke aboutit. 3) The doctor ordered him to take rest. 4) The teacher corrected our exercises at home. 5) Schoolchildren took out many books from the library. 6) The teacher will tell us an interesting story.

категория: английский язык


1) John wrote the letter. — The letter was written by John.2) They spoke about it. — It was spoken about.3) The doctor ordered him to take rest. — He was ordered to take a rest.4) The teacher corrected our exercises at home. — Our exercises were corrected by the teacher at home.5) Schoolchildren took out many books from the library. — Many books were taken by schoolchildren from the library.6) The teacher will tell us an interesting story. — An interesting story will be told us by the teacher.7) Fire destroyed the house. — The house was destroyed by fire.

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