Помогите пожалуйста еще. Перепешите предложения в косвенной речи.1

dimon600 10 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста еще. Перепешите предложения в косвенной речи.1. She said to me, "You can borrow my camera."2. James said to Anne, "You must call the police! "3. I said to him, "I can't help you."4. "I couldn't hear him," she said.5. He said, "Lee must have forgotten about the meeting"6 . "You should see a doctor," he told me.7. "My brother might still be in bed," she said.8 He said to Carol, . "You needn't get up early."9.My dad told me, "You must stay at home."10.She said, "The Smiths may move to London."11."I would love to join you," he told us.12. She said, "David must be tired.

категория: английский язык


1. She said to me that i can borrow her camera.2. James said to Anne that she must call the police! 3. I said to him that i can't help him.4. She said that she couldn't hear him.5. He said that Lee must have forgotten about the meeting.6. He told me that i should see a doctor.7. She said that her brother might still be in bed.8. He said to Carol that he needn't get up early.9. My dad told me to stay at home.10. She said that David must be tired.

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