Помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибки в моем переводе с русского…

index 31 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибки в моем переводе с русского на английский. You will enjoy during thattime, when you zatrakat in the cafe watching the spectacular zakat.Pole then visit the Sign Cathedral, which is located in the city center and impresses with its beauty, FURTHER museum of vintage "war stories at Kursk" in which you learn about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War Bredikhina, Small, Perekalskiy etc. See the Arc de Triomphe and walk around the amazing beauty of the mall. If vamposchastlivitsya, visit the circus and Kursk polyubuetesna unforgettable beauty fantanov.Posle unforgettable journey through the ancient city you will return to the cafe zhlya farewell dinner, the next morning, we will transfer you to the airport for your flight home.

категория: английский язык


You will get enjoy during that time, when you having breakfast in the cafe watching the spectacular sunset. After that visit Cathedral of the Sign, which is located in the city center and impresses with its beauty. The following old museum "war stories at Kursk" in which you learn about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War Bredikhina, Small, Perekalskiy etc. Look at the Arc de Triomphe and walk around the beautiful of the mall. If you lucky, visit the Kursk circus. Also visit unforgettable beauty fantan. After unforgettable journey through the ancient city you will return to the cafe for farewell dinner. The next morning, we will transfer you to the airport for your flight home

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