ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! Измените слова в скобках: 1 The programme

bearmod 17 октября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! Измените слова в скобках: 1 The programme (to consist) of several parts; talk shows, music clips, interviews.2 There (to be) more than 4000 viewers that (to watch) the channel regularly3 Russian TV (to offer) different talk shows last year.4 There (to be) plenty of different ads on TV , but some of them (to be) of bad quality a year ago.5 The next year British viewers (to watch) a lot of sport competitions.6 She (to study) English for the last 10 years.7 I (to work) in the library since 1998 as a librarian.8 «Ford» Corporation (to produce) nice cars since the last century.9 My friends (to win) a competition.10 Jack (to arrive) just home.

категория: английский язык


1 The programme consists of several parts; talk shows, music clips, interviews.2 There are more than 4000 viewers that watch the channel regularly3 Russian TV offers different talk shows last year.4 There were plenty of different ads on TV , but some of them were of bad quality a year ago.5 The next year British viewers will watch a lot of sport competitions.6 She studied English for the last 10 years.7 I have been working in the library since 1998 as a librarian.8 «Ford» Corporation produced nice cars since the last century.9 My friends won a competition.10 Jack has just arrived home.

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