Помогите пожалуйста, надо по английскому написать сочинение: Язык…

viplas 09 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста, надо по английскому написать сочинение: Язык, который мы изучаем! Очень нужно

категория: английский язык


English language so comfortably settled as a universal language of international communication, that many people think that he was born that way. But it is not. English had long and hard work to take this place.He was born in the family of the West-Germanic languages, but an active lifestyle and chaotic communication so changed his appearance and now he little resemblance of such bona fide next of kin, as German or Dutch. The fruit of the mutual love of angles, Saxons, Frisians and the Jutes, flooding Albion in times immemorial, the English language still in my childhood was under the bad influence of the Scandinavian dialects. They were so heady, Intrusive and that expel them seemed no possibility. The memory of this hooligan friendship of English for life remained tattoo in the form of two thousand lexical borrowings (including the pronoun they is in the foreground) and the scars of the case endings. And he lost his grammatical gender, and the youth trauma identified a tendency to опрощению his whole life… he got from the Vikings cravings for sea travel, which never recovered.Then the English language made an attempt to settle down and married a legitimate marriage with the French language in the form of the Norman kings, who sat on the throne good three hundred years. French language required to English ceased their hands, began already used a napkin and was eating beef, pork, mutton and poultry instead of cow, pig, sheep and chicken. So at dinner receptions and visiting with English mother-in-law was so as he could, and on Friday night as compensation came off at full speed in the taverns with the proletariat. Forever this could not last, and the matter ended in divorce, but the property they shared a very long time — on both sides of the English channel… that is, the British Strait. Three hundred years of living together, of course, have not been in vain: you only English to get into any of the official-formal situation, as it skips the French borrowing … Having gained freedom, English plunged into serious. At some war English shot off the last remnants of the declinations, and endings, it has happened several developments in the field of vowels, and he was forced to join the club of anonymous analytical languages and enroll in courses written therapy as a result became the lead dictionary and follow strict word order… In General, by the time the English born, he already more or less resembled himself, and by the time of the birth of William-Our-All-Shakespeare has already become similar to their current passport photograph. English settled down, started his own business and founded the good Empire, with branches in all parts of the globe. Its success is determined by the openness and; economic and frugal, English guided by the principle of «all in house» and will not pass over the useful words, if it's in a foreign language is bad. At the same time, he sells franchise so completely exotic languages and knows how familiar to deal with different layers of the population — can be a dialect, when necessary, and can and slang… English is a loving father, he cares about all its numerous , and francs, regularly paying their training. English leads plane, manages a private yacht, fond of science, is present on all diplomatic receptions, and in old age even mastered the Internet, and it seems that it only the beginning…

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