Помогите пожалуйста, написать несколько простых предложений описания…

makoron 09 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста, написать несколько простых предложений описания родины для 5 класса

категория: английский язык


I love my home. I love all the seasons of Homeland svoymu.Kazhdomu word means something. For me, the Motherland is the place where I was born and where my closest living. I never leave his homeland. and I will always love her. Я очень люблю свою родину. Я люблю все поры года по свойму. Каждому слово Родина что то означает. Для меня Родина это место где я родился и где живут мои самые близкие. Я никогда ни уеду со своей Родины. И буду любить ее всегда.

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09 октября 2023
расскрыть скобки! I (to move, Past Simple) into this flat a few weeks ago, and I'm really enjoying living here. There (to be, Pres.Simple) only one bedroom, and at the moment my sister is staying with me because she's looking for a job. I (to work, Pres. Simple) in advertising. It (to be, Pres. Simple) hard work, and the hours (to be, Pres. Simple) really long, but I (to like, Pres. Simple) it. And it's well paid. The office is really relaxed. No one (to wear, Pres. Simple) a suit or a tie. The only thing I (not, to like, Pres. Simple) about this flat (to be, Pres. Simple) one of the neighbours, Mrs Shell, I (to think, Pres. Simple) her name (to be, Pres. Simple). She (to be, Pres. Simple) really strange. She never (to speak, Pres. Simple) to anyone. I always (to say, Pres. Simple) hello to her, and 'Are you all right? ' and 'What a lovely day today! ', but she never (to say, Pres. Simple) a word. Maybe she (not, to like, Pres. Simple) young people. I (to have, Past Simple) a party a few days ago. It really (not, to be, Past Simple) very noisy. About ten of us (to be, Past Simple) here until 11,00 and then we (to go, Past Simple) out to a club. When I (to see, Past Simple) Mrs Shell the next day, I (to say, Past Simple) I (to hope, Past Simple) there (not, to be, Past Simple) too much noise, but as usual she (not, to say, Past Simple) anything. Funny lady. This evening my sister and I are going to visit a friend of ours who (to be, Pres. Simple) in hospital, and then we're going out for a Chinese meal.

zion1903, 09 октября 2023
Описание и биография автора
little_miracle, 09 октября 2023
Make up questions. 1. does, go, when, to , she, school?
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