Помогите пожалуйста, не успеваю

nvetka 01 ноября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста, не успеваю (Civilization topic: Different countries have reputations for being good at different sports.Think of someexamples (10-15 lines)

категория: английский язык


1) Spain is popular with his football teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid. 2) Greec is the first country where is from the marathon race.3) Everyone knows that the best hockey players are from Canada.4) The cricket is the game which is from India.5) The best rugby players are from USA.6) Japan is known well with his kind of sport like Karate-do.7) Korea is popular with strange sport named Sumo.8) The motherland of tennis is France.9) The box comes from England.10) Finns are know by sport baseball. Надеюсь помогла)

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