Помогите пожалуйста ничего не смыслю в этом…

skrylax 24 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста ничего не смыслю в этом 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect. 1. Jill: … (1. you/be) onholiday this year? Fred: No, I (2. can/not) go, because I (3. break) my leg in July and (4. have) to stay in hospital. 2. Helen: … (5. you/visit) the British Museum yet? Dan: yes, I (6. be) there three times, but I (7. not/see) everything yet. 3. Nan: I’m ever so sorry, Jim, but I (8. burn) your lunch. Mary (9. phone) and I (10. forget) about the food. Jim: That’s OK. I (11. already/eat). 4. Kate: I (12. buy) a new coat yesterday, but when I (13. arrive) home, I (14. find) a hole in the seam. Laura: What (15. you/do)? … (16. you/take) it back to the shop? Kate: No, I (17. not/be) into town yet. I’ll do this afternoon.

категория: английский язык


1. Have you been on holidays this year? No, i couldn't go, because I broke my leg in July and I had to stay in hospital 2. Helen: Have you visited the British Museum yet? Dan: yes, I have been ther three times, but I have not seen everything yet.3. Nan: I’m ever so sorry, Jim, but I have burnt your lunch. Mary phoned me and I forgot about the food. Jim: That’s OK. I have already eaten.4. Kate: I bought a new coat yesterday, but when I arrived home, I found a hole in the seam. Laura: What did you do? Did you take it back to the shop? Kate: No, I have not been onto town yet.I’ll do this afternoon 3. launchedautomaticcompactoperate

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