Помогите, пожалуйста, очень срочно…

nk1cnk1c 09 октября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста, очень срочно… 1. Put in me, him, her, us, them. Example: Give Tin this short. Give … this one, too.=Give Tim thisshort. Give him this one, too. 1. Give Jane this watch. Give … this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give … these ice-creams, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give … this one too. 4. That is my passport. Give … my passport, please. 5. That is my coat. Give … my coat, please. 6. Those are our umbrellas. Give … our umbrellas, please. 7. That is Jane’s dictionary. Give … the dictionary, please.

категория: английский язык


1. Give Jane this watch. Give her this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give them these ice-creams, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give him this one too. 4. That is my passport. Give me my passport, please. 5. That is my coat. Give me my coat, please. 6. Those are our umbrellas. Give us our umbrellas, please. 7. That is Jane’s dictionary. Give her the dictionary, please.2. Fill in the gaps with prepositions. Example: Take the books … the table and put them … your bag=Take the book from the table and put them into your bag. 1. Show me this map. Show it to me. 2. Go to the room from the corridor. 3. Take that pencil and put it in front of you . 4. Come here , please. 5. Give these notebooks to Lucy. 6. Take the magazine from her and show it to us. 7. Take the cup from Jane and put it on the table. 8. Close your book and put it in your bag. 9. Go to the door and close it. 10. Send the telegram to Mr. Smithесли помог то отметь как наилучшее

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