anstcom 13 ноября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ОЦЕНКА ПО АНГИЙСКОМУ РЕШАЕТСЯ Choose the correct word/phrase.1. When Maria's fatger got a new job in the States, the family haed to leave their… and move abroad.A. harbour B. gateway C. homeland2. Don't throw the batteries away, they're … A. disposable B. rechargeable C. achievable3/ Helen was … hungryas she hadn't eaten all day.A. timidly B. ravenously C. earnestly4. Animal rights organisation work to prevent … towards animal.A. cruetly B. abolish C. reject6. I won't … . impoliteness in my class! I will be informing the headteacher about your behaviour.A. offend B. defend C. tolerate7. Suzanne was holding her… .ticket, hoping that this time she had the rightnumbers which would make her rich beyond her wildest dreams.A. loterry B. winnings C. scam8. As Cindy was walking through the park, a stranger… her handbag and ran eway.A. mugged B. grabbed C. burgled9. Don't be timid; you need to … . for your right to express yuorself freely.A. stand up B. keep up C. face up

категория: английский язык


1-homeland2-reachargeable 3-ravenously4-cruelty6-tolerate7-lottery8-mugged9-keep up

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