Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы о русской газете о какой…

migon 06 ноября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы о русской газете о какой нибудь вот вопросы срочно надо 1. What kind of newspaper is it? 2. Do you buy itor borrow it from someone? 3. How reliable is the information in it? 4. What does the newspaper write about? 5. Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it? 6. What kind of people read it? 7. Why is it interesting for you?

категория: английский язык


It is a daily newspaper.I buy it by myself.I think,information is reliable,because it is a serious newspaper,which is care about its reputation.Newspaper writes about political news,social events,sports news,about medicine and art.There are not many photos,but there are always suitable to text,and they use intriguing headlines with big letters and sometimes the headline is more intriguing,then an article with it.Very many people read it,from workers to political elite.I read it because I want to know adout events in the world and brom my horizons.

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