Помогите пожалуйста! Please write a …

nancycat 02 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! Please write a … of your favorites place (to describe) 2 Where is your English …? (to translate) 3 For further … , pleasecontact your teacher. (to inform) 4 Could i make a …? (to suggest) 5 In January there are New years … all over the town . (to celebrate) 6 Thanks for the … to your brithday party. (to invate)

категория: английский язык


1 Please write a … description. of your favorites place 2 Where is your English translation? 3 For further information , please contact your teacher. 4 Could i make a .suggestion…? 5 In January there are New years .celebration all over the town . 6 Thanks for the .invitation… to your brithday party.

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