Помогите пожалуйста! Прошу! Надеюсь только на Вас!

supergal 31 августа 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! Прошу! Надеюсь только на Вас! За ранее огромноеспасибо! Make YES/NO questions (a) and Wh-questions (b). Пример: There is a nice lake near his house.a) Is there a nice lake near his house? b) What is there near his house? 1) There is a beautiful river near their house.a) … near their house? b) … 2) There is a forest near the lake.a) … .near the lake? b) … .3) There is a field near the foresta) … near the forest? b) … .4) There is a bookshop near their school.a) … near their school? b) … 5) There is an old tree near the house.a) … near the house? b) …

категория: английский язык


Is there a beautiful riverwhat is there near the houseis tgere a forestwhat is therenear the lakeis there a bookshopwhat is there near the schoolis there an old treewhat is there near the house

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