Помогите, пожалуйста!

prsim 09 сентября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста! Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or the present simple/1… (be) on holiday here with my family and we… (have) a great time.2. Right now, I… (lie) on the beach.3 My little brother… (play) on the sand with his toys and my mother… (watch) him.4 My dad… . (swim) in the sea. I just love it here.5 We … (get up) late every day and … (spend) most of our time sunbathing.6 This afternoon we… (go) into town to do a little sightseeng.7 They my parents … (take) us to a nice restaurant.

категория: английский язык


1.I'm on holiday here with my family and we have a great time.2. Right now, I'm liying on the beach.3 My little brother is playing on the sand with his toys and my mother is watching him.4 My dad is swimming in the sea. I just love it here.5 We get up late every day and are spending most of our time sunbathing.6 This afternoon we are going into town to do a little sightseeng.7 Then my parents take us to a nice restaurant.

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