Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским языком. Создание проекта

sasha_wq-1 17 ноября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским языком. Создание проекта. Мини-сочинение на тему «Мое летнее приключение». Не судите строго, аглийский с 5 классалишь (Вот текст: The first time. I saw the sea this summer, the first time! I, my mother, godmother and her daughter went to the village Katkov Grap near Sochi. We were there for 2 weeks. We swam in the Black Sea, sunbathed. We went on a guided tour, photographed of beautiful places. We were in Sochi and visited the Dolphinarium. We were in an amusement park, rode horses… Those days were awesome! The weather was very good. Afternoon sun scorching heat, the night rain. The sea was raging, so we were not able to go to sea fishing. It's a bit sad, because my mom likes to fish. From this trip I have only fond memories, I learned a lot, met interesting people. I really want to go back there … Прошу, пожалуйста, проверьте! Спасибо! Нужно уже к 5:30 ч. Сегодн дня

категория: английский язык


The first time. I saw the sea this summer for the first time! I, my mother, godmother and her daughter went to the village Katkov Grap near Sochi. We were there for 2 weeks. We swam in the Black Sea, sunbathed. We went on a guided tour, took pictures of the beautiful places. We went to Sochi and visited the Dolphinarium. We went to the amusement park, rode horses… Those days were awesome! The weather was very good. Afternoon sun, scorching heat, the night rain. The sea was raging, so we were not able to go fishing. It's a bit sad, because my mom likes fishing. From this trip I have only fond memories, I learned a lot, met interesting people. I really want to go back there.

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