Помогите, пожалуйста…

serfer216 27 октября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста, вставить этим предложениям слово: People know him… be a great surgeon. She thought him… be a thief but he wasn't. Jane mademe… tell her all the truth. When I was young, my parents didn`t let me… have much ice-cream. This girl would like you… invite her to dance. We heard the car… stop in front of our house.We expected them… come in two days. I am always made… my bed in the morning. You`d better… go home.

категория: английский язык


People know him to be a great surgeon. She thought him to be a thief but he wasn't. Jane made me tell her all the truth. When I was young, my parents didn`t let me have much ice-cream. This girl would like you to invite her to dance. We heard the car stop in front of our house.We expected them to come in two days. I always made my bed in the morning. You`d better go home.

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