ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ. Write sentences using the second conditional

juella 04 ноября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ. Write sentences using the second conditional. Begin with the words in the brackets. 1. He has not got time. He wants to finish the reporttoday. (If…) 2. I want to buy a horse. I live in a city. (I…) 3. I do not study very hard. I always fail my exams. (If…) 4. I am not very rich. I do not know the winning lottery numbers. (I…) 5. I do not have a yacht. I can not go sailing at weekends. (If…) 6. I want to do things differently. I can not live my life over again. (I…)

категория: английский язык


1. if he had more time, he would finish the report today.2. if i didn't live in the city, I would buy a horse.3. if I studied harder, i would not fail my exams.4. if i knew the winning lottery numbers, I would be very rich.5. if i had a yacht I would go sailing at weekends.6. if I lived my life over again, I would do things differently.

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