Помогите! Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple…

baga4 21 октября 2023

Помогите! Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.1 A… (Ann/talk) on the phone? B. No, she … . (do) her homerwork right now.2 A. Now often… (you/go) swimming? B. Tree times a week.3 A. Bob and Sophie… (study) hard these days. B. Yes, I know. They… (want) to pass their exams.4 A. I am so happy Jim! My parents and I… . (go) on holiday next week. B That's great! Where… (you/go)? 5 A. How long… . (it/take) to travel to London by plane? Complete the sentences so that they are true about you. Пример: I have breakfast in the morning.1. Me dad… now.2. My brother always … .3. My parents… at the moment.4 My friend … every day.

категория: английский язык


1.Does Ann talk/.is doing2.do you go3.are styding/wants4.go/are you going5.it takes1.is watching Tv2.drives me mad3.are travelling4.walks

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