Помогите сделать домашнее задание по английскому языку

prbbb 27 сентября 2023

Помогите сделать домашнее задание по английскому языку.Complete the sentences with have, haven't, has or hasn't. 1. You look happy. What … happened? —Oh, I … won the first prize. 2. Let's make a fruit salad… you bought bananas and apples? 3. The boys … already visited their sick friend, … they? 4. The tourist … bought any souvenirs in the shop yet. 5. What … you done? — Ann … already translated the exercise and I … learnt the new words by heart. 6… . the students written the test? — Not yet.

категория: английский язык


1. You look happy. What has happened? — Oh, I haven't won the first prize. 2. Let's make a fruit salad. Have you bought bananas and apples? 3. The boys have already visited their sick friend, haven't they? 4. The tourist hasn't bought any souvenirs in the shop yet. 5. What have you done? — Ann has already translated the exercise and I have learnt the new words by heart. 6. Have the students written the test? — Not yet.

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