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avamy 09 ноября 2023

Помогите сократить текст (из 7-8 предложений) на анг. Яз. Сохраняя главную мысль The kids are all right. Young people at work cannow expect opportunity, responsibility, respect-and fun.

категория: английский язык


The kids are all right.Young people at work can now expect opportunity, responsibility, respect-and fun.Youth is a time for fun. In one American playground inFlorida, there are basketball courts and volleyball nets. Inside, there are bright colours, Nerf guns and a games room with pingpong.The young are now the rising power in the workplace. Take Microsoft, a business with 40,000 mostly young employees: the dress code is anything goes as long as you´re clean.The pace of change is increasing. And change favours the young: they learn and relearn faster and will risk more to try new things. Many companies no longer have seniority-based hierarchies. People can get to the top faster. They don´t have to spend years showing respect for their superiors.Now they have more opportunity to put their ideas and energy into practice.

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