Помогите составить диалог на тему счастья или счастливого человека…

kvn_2001 04 ноября 2023

Помогите составить диалог на тему счастья или счастливого человека на английском языке (20 реплик).

категория: английский язык


-Are you happy? -Yes I am.-Why are you happy? -Because all members of my family is good, I have good job, I have a dream and soon it will come true.-do you think it is enough for being happy? -I think yes! -But I know you have some problems with your neighbours , you lost your keys yesterday and car doesn't work. How can you be happy? -I can't say that these are problems. These are things that happen every day and there is no sence to pay much attention to it. I know that everything will be good.-you are lucky. -you can be lucky too! You must undestand that happiness is not money, good flat or expensive car. It is an inner feeling. everything is good. If it is sunny it is good — you can go for a walk, if it is rainy it is also good you can read a book… do you undestand? -I see. I must find only good in everything and even in problems.-that's right. A problem is a threshold, you must only cross it! -thanks-you are welcome!

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