Помогите составить предложение со словами: not bad, boring, wonderful…

billi 18 ноября 2023

Помогите составить предложение со словами: not bad, boring, wonderful, great.

категория: английский язык


it is not so bad to be alone. Не так уж и плохо быть одиноким.It is wonderful to visit our national parks. — Прогулки по национальным паркам просто замечательные.It is boring to sit there without anything to do. — скучно сидеть без дела.that's great! — это потрясающе!

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
18 ноября 2023
Помогите заполнить пропуски в тексте. Срочно до завтра надо Варианты: appeared,choral,composer,conductor,continue,first night ,fullhouses,influenced,masterpiece,symphony,took place,tuneless and complicated D.Shostakovich was born on 25 September .1906 in St Petersburg. His father was an engineer and his mother was a pianist and give him his first piano lessons. When he was 13 he became a pupil of the famous 1) ______Alexander Glazunov at the Petrograd Conservatoire, Shostakovich was happy because he liked Glazunov’s music a lot. D.Shostakovich wrote his first 2) ________in 1925 and it was performed all over the world. Every year until he died Shostakovich celebrated its 3) ____________as the moment when his life changed forever . Shostakovich’s second Symphony 4) __________in 1927. It was an experimental work with a 5) _________ ending when the choir sang «To October «by Alexander bezymensky . In the years of the Great Terror (in the late 1930s) his music was criticized, the critics said it was 6) __________ .In December 1941 ,D. Shostakovich (who lived in besieged Leningrad) wrote his most famous “Leningrad Symphony” . It is a real 7) _________. Its first night 8) ______________ in the besieged city in 1942. Though Shostakovich’s works were a great success and played to 9) ___________ in Russia and in the West, he suffered from criticism of the official powers. Many specialists think that the conflict with the powers 10) ___________ his music very much. D. Shostakovich died in 1975 in Moscow. His son Maxim, a well known 11) ____________ ,helps to popularize his father’s music by working with the best world orchestras. Even now many orchestras 12) _____________ to perform Shostakovich’s music

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