Помогите, срочно надо!

tigrych 11 ноября 2023

Помогите, срочно надо! 1. Розкажіть про свій день за допомогою таких питань. 1; .Are you a student? Where do you study? 2. What do you usually doin the morning? ' 3. What do you think about morning exercises? Do we need to do them regularly? 4. When do your classes begin? 5. What do you do at the college? 6. What is more interesting for you: to listen to a lecture or to be present at practical classes? 7. What subjects do you like? Why? 8. What do you usually do after classes? 9. How do you prefer to spend your evening? 10. What do you hate doing? 11. What time do you usually go to bed?

категория: английский язык


1. Yes,I am.I study at school № () 2. In the morning I usually watch TV and do some exercises.3. I think, that everyone need to do it.Because it very useful for you. Of course we need to do them regulary.4.My classes begin at 8:30,5.Im study and of course I have some time to spent with my friends.6.to be present at practical classes. (я не знаю, что там для тебя интерессней) 7. (например, математика) My favorite subject is maths.Because, it is very interessting and I love it so much8.After lessons I do my HW, enjoy with my friends.9.I spend my evening in fron of TV or computer. Sometimes I speak and drink tea with my parants.10.I hate do my HW! 11.usually I go to bed at 00:00. Чем смогла, тем помогла)

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