Помогите вставить местоимения. 1 We took a trip to China…

tyrot 15 сентября 2023

Помогите вставить местоимения. 1 We took a trip to China . Here are ___ photographs from the trip . 2 . The Shennon family showed us the boat they own. ___ boat is very pretty . 3 . I already go to school . The school of ___ is famous , ___ programmes are difficult . 4 . The boy"s father catches fish . ___ mouther sells the fish . 5. Where do you life? What is __ address , Andrew? 6 . I have an elder sister . ___ name is Liz . 7 . The knife is very sharp . Don"t hurt ___ . 8. Jane dried ___ after the swim . 9 . John and Bob were asked to speak about ___ . 10. John , this silly brother of ___ is telling lies again .

категория: английский язык


1) our2) their 3) its programmes … 4) His5) your6) her7) yourself8) herself9) themselves10) you

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