Помогите вставить слова: Dear Steve, Im in moscow

illdisposed 08 ноября 2023

Помогите вставить слова: Dear Steve, Im in moscow. It's 1___ sunday today. It's so interesting here! I stay wiht Dasha's family. Theydon't 2___ eggs, they don't play 3 __ and they don't have 4__ . But they colour eggs. And their traditionalf food called 'paskha' and 'kulitch' is so tasty. I like it here. Tomorrow I'll go to yhe farm where Dasha's granny lives. We'll taste Granny's 6___ and Dasha will teach me to 7 ___ .

категория: английский язык


Dear Steve, Im in moscow. It's Easter sunday today. It's so interesting here! I stay wiht Dasha's family. They don't hide eggs, they don't play Egg hunt and they don't have the Easter Bunny. But they colour eggs. And their traditionalf food called 'paskha' and 'kulitch' is so tasty. I like it here. Tomorrow I'll go to the farm where Dasha's granny lives. We'll taste Granny's traditional delicious food and Dasha will teach me to play wooden spoons.Best wishes, wendy

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