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mrtwister 04 ноября 2023

Поставить глаголы в правильную форму. 1. You (take) around the city tomorrow. 2. Melons (grow) in the south of France. 3. The ship building industry (reduce) since 1970. 4. He (shock) by the story at our last meeting. 5. This text must (translate) tomorrow. 6. In 1980 the Olympic Games (hold) in Moscow. 7. The room (not clean) yet. 8. Mercedes cars (make) in Germany. 9. The furniture should (dust) every week. 10. The streets (decorate) at the moment. 11. The translation (do) in time. Everyone was glad. 12. We (impress) by her acting at her last concert. 13. More raw materials (import) in the future. 14. Your health can (improve) with more exercise. 15. The books have to (return) to the library. 16. The letters (send) this week. 17. Today a lot of electronic goods (manufacture) in SouthEast Asia. 18. The examination (hold) next Friday. 19. Coal (mine) in Wales for centuries. 20. Where’s the radio? It (repair)?

категория: английский язык


1) you will take… ; 2) melons grow… ; 3) the ship… has been reducing since 1970; 4) he was shocked… ; 5) this text must be translated tomorrow; 6) … were hold; 7) hasn't been cleaned; 8) are made; 9) should be dusted; 10) are being decorating; 11) was don; 12) impressed; 13) will be imported; 14) can't be improved; 15) have to be returned; 16) will be sent; 17) manufacture; 18) will be hold.

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