Поставьте глагол to be или to have в нужной форме, 1.We…

sdcfcd 21 ноября 2023

Поставьте глагол to be или to have в нужной форме, 1.We… good friends at the college. 2.Who… absent today? 3.He… a stydent. 4.What… he? 5… .he adoctor? 6.These… my pencils? 7.What… their names? 8.Mary… a girl 9.Who… he? 10.What… you? 11.This man… in the room. 12.How… she? 13.How… your friend? 14… .he your son? 15… .you a sportsman? 16.There… no book on the table? 17.It… my parents car. 18.There… 15 stedents in our grour now.

категория: английский язык


1.We are good friends at the college. 2.Who is absent today? 3.He is a student. 4.What is he? 5 Is he a doctor? 6.These are my pencils? 7.What are their names? 8.Mary is a girl 9.Who is he? 10.What are you? 11.This man is in the room. 12.How is she? 13.How is your friend? 14 Is he your son? 15 Are you a sportsman? 16.There is no book on the table? 17.It is my parent's car. 18.There are 15 students in our grour now.

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