Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Future Progressive or Future…

anatoldev 27 сентября 2023

Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Future Progressive or Future Simple.1. You`ve just missed the last train. Never mind, I (walk) __________.2. I`ll ring you tommorrow at six. No, don`t ring at six, I (bath) _________.3. Mother: Your face is dirty. Child: All right, I (wash) _____.4. Will you have lunch with me on the 24th? I`d love to, but I`m afraid I (go) ____________________ my exam then.5. Why did you take his rasor? He (look) ________________ for it everywhere tomorrow.6. I hope you`ll do well in the race tomorrow I (think) ______of you.7. I don`t feel well enough to go the station to meet him. I (meet) _________ him for you. But how I (recognize) __________ him? He`s small and fair, and he (wear) __________ a black and white school cap.8. — You`ve left the light on. — Oh, so I have. I (go) ______ and turn it off.9. This time next Monday I (sit) _________ in a Paris cafe reading le Figaro. — You (not read) ______________________________________________ You`ll be looking at all the pretty girls.10. — Waiter,this plate is dirty. — I`m sorry, sir, I (bring) _____________you another one.

категория: английский язык


1, i will be walking2.I will be bathing3.i will wash4.i will go5.will be looking

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