Поставьте глаголs в скобках во времена Future Simple…

mca83 15 октября 2023

Поставьте глаголs в скобках во времена Future Simple, Future Perfect или Future Continuous.1. I (cook) dinner by the time I leave for the pub. 2. Tomorrow I (be) at the studio all the day. 3. By the time he is thirty five he (become) a professor.4. I won’t be able to answer the phone in the afternoon. I (give) a talk at the conference. 5. We (have) coffee after Martin has finished eating. 6. I hope I (become) a good specialist in the future.7. Don’t call me in the morning tomorrow. I (sleep).

категория: английский язык


1. I will have cooked dinner by the time I leave for the pub. 2. Tomorrow I will be at the studio all the day. 3. By the time he is thirty-five he will have become a professor. 4. I won't be able to answer the phone in the afternoon. I will give a talk at the conference. 5. We will have had coffee after Martin has finished eating. 6. I hope I will become a good specialist in the future. 7. Don't call me in the morning tomorrow. I'll be sleeping.

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