Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous: Dear…

hscheiden 31 октября 2023

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous: Dear Peter, I’m writing to tell you about what happened to me last weekwhile I 1) ___ my aunt who lives by sea (visit). One afternoon I 2) ___ her dog for a walk by the cliffs when I 3) ___ a girl who 4) ___ a tree by the edge of the cliff (take) / (notice) / (climb). As she 5) ___ there, the branch suddenly 6) ___ and the girl 7) ___ over the edge (hang) / (break) / (fall). I 8) ___ to the edge, but although the girl 9) ___ for help, I 10) ___ see her (run) / (shout) / (not / be able to). I 11) ___ about what to do when a man 12) ___ the cliff path (think) / (come along). I 13) ___ what had happened and while he 14) ___ for help I 15) ___ to the girl (explain) / (go) / (talk). Well, everything 16) ___ happily (end). The girl was rescued and her parents17) ___ me by giving me a large bunch of flowers (thank). The story 18) ___ in the newspaper too (be)! That’s all my news – write and tell me yours soon.

категория: английский язык


Was visiting TookNoticedWas climbingWas hangingBrokeFellRanWas shoutingWasn't able toWas thinkingCame alongExplainedWentWas talkingEndedThankedWas

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