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vadim-mihalchenko 27 октября 2023

Потавить вопросы к каждому члену предложения и дать отрицательную форму 1) he entered the Aviatoin Institute last year2) my sister studies at the university3) the third-year students will have industrial training next summer

категория: английский язык


He entered the Aviatoin Institute last yearHe didn't enter the Aviatoin Institute last yearWhen did he enter the Aviatoin Institute? Where did he enter last year? What did he do last year? My sister studies at the universityMy sister doesn't study at the universityWhere does my sister study? Who studies at the university? What does my sister do at the university? The third-year students will have industrial training next summer The third-year students will not have industrial training next summer Who will have industrial training next summer? When will the third-year students have industrial training next summer? What will the third-year students have next summer? What training will the third-year students have next summer

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