Потрібний твір на тему Як я провів весняні канікули

malko 11 октября 2023

Потрібний твір на тему Як я провів весняні канікули (чим по більший) Даю 40 пкт

категория: английский язык


My spring holidays.A week ago we had our spring holidays. I study very well so my teachers didn't give me homework. As I didn't have anything special to do I decided to have a real rest — to sleep a lot and to do nothing. The first day finished. But it was too difficult to do nothing. And I decided to spend my holidays with my friend.Next dat I phoned to my friend Alina and invited her to go to the park. The weather was so fine! The sun was shining brightly, there wasn't any cloud in the sky. And we returned home only in the evening.Next days we also went to different places, such as cinemea, theatre and others. Besides, I helped my Mum about the house and I had read some books.My holidays were very amazing. And it seemed to me they were too short!

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