Пож помогите написать рассказ 10 предложений на тему…

gg_lesha 15 ноября 2023

Пож помогите написать рассказ 10 предложений на тему Are youmaterialistic? — зависим ли я от денег.

категория: английский язык


I didn't know quite how to respond… I have to think about the options. I'm… sensualist… I appreciate nice things. And when I can get them, I do. But I buy nice things because they have aspects I appreciate, sensually, and that's why I buy them, for the most part. And when circumstance makes me unable to have them, I mostly don't dwell on it… I think that's not quite materialistic, but it's also not quite the opposite of materialistic… . But then the concept of materialism implies accepting a duality between the spiritual / non-material world and the material world, and I don't really accept that concept fully.

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