Пожалуйста помоги написать сочинение на тему как я хочу провести…

manarbit 15 октября 2023

Пожалуйста помоги написать сочинение на тему как я хочу провести новый год

категория: английский язык


January 1 is one of the most light and joyful holiday in the world, it’s New Year. This year, I'll spend it in the village with my parents and my grandmother , who lives near Volgograd. I have many friends in this village, because I often go there for my holidays. Our parents promise that we will celebrate New Year in one of our neighbors’ house. We'll make a great holiday table with traditional Russian dishes which will be prepared by my grandmother and our girls, they will prepare a lot of different things: goose in apples, salads and my grandmother's favorite hot pies. I will be Santa Claus during this holiday and I'll give everybody the gifts that we will prepare for each other.

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