pavelvolkov 22 сентября 2023

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! ПОМОГИТЕ кто знает? Вставьте нужныые слова) Complete the folloing dialogues using theproper verb forms

категория: английский язык


A How many bones __do______ the skeleton have? B It __has_________ over 200 bones.A What parts do the bones of the skull _consist______of? B The bones of the skull consist of __cranial________and __facial___parts.A What is the vertebra? B The vertebra ___is______ a small bone. How is it __formed______by? A It __is________ formed by the body and the arch.B How many vertebrae __are_____there in the spine? A There are 32 or 34 vertebraein the spine.B What is the coccyx ____formed______by? A The coccyx __is_____formed by from one to five vertebrae.B How is the cervical part of the spine ___formed__________? A It __is_____formed by seven cervical vertebrae.

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