Пожалуйста помогите. Материал 8 класса

niko22 21 сентября 2023

Пожалуйста помогите. Материал 8 класса. Нужно перевести в косвенную речь! 1.He said, “I am living in London now.” 2.She said, “What do you want? ” 3.Sheasked, “Why doesn`t this machine work? ” 4.He said, “Don`t sell the car.” 5.She said, “Can you open your bag, please? ” 6.He said, “Stay in bed for a few days.” 7.Marry said, “I went to London with my sister.” 8.My friend said, “I watch a lot of soap operas.” 9.He asked, “Will Tom be here tomorrow? ” 10.My mother asked,” Did you clean the room yesterday? ” 11.Her teacher said, “I am not going to ask you.” 12.The teacher asked, “How did the accident happen? ” 13.My cousin said, “We are not interested in politics.” 14. I asked, “Didn`t you hear the bell? ” 15.He said, “What did you tell the police? ” 16.Tom said, “New York is more lovely than London.” 17.She said, “He turned out a good pianist.” 18. “Are you kidding? ” , she asked. 19.She wrote, “Put up at this hotel” 20.I asked, “Where are you living now? ”

категория: английский язык


1.He said he was living in London then.2.She asked what I wanted3.She asked why that machine didn't work4.He said not to sell the car.5.She asked if I could open my bag6.He said to stay in bed for a few days.7.Marry said she had gone to London with her sister.8.My friend said he watched a lot of soap operas.9.He asked if Tom would be there next day10.My mother asked if I cleaned the room the day before yesterday11.Her teacher said he wasn't going to ask me.12.The teacher asked how the accident had happened13.My cousin said they weren't interested in politics.14. I asked if they hadn't heard the bell15.He asked what I told the police16.Tom said that New York was more lovely than London.17.She said that he had turned out a good pianist.18.She asked if I was kidding19.She wrote to put up at that hotel20.I asked where they were living then.

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