Пожалуйста, ПОМОГИТЕ!

rmkqqq 20 октября 2023

Пожалуйста, ПОМОГИТЕ! Нужно написать эссе на тему: "Adolescence is the best period of our life."12-15 предложении или больше! Заранее спасибо.

категория: английский язык


Adolescenceis an important part of every person’s life. People like it very much and theyalways remember it when they are older. But different people spend their youthdifferently.When aperson is young they have lots of opportunities to develop themselves. What ismore, they have to find their own way in life. They have to get a goodeducation to become successful in the future. Later, they achieve their aimsand enjoy their lives.Nevertheless,for some young people there are lots of interesting things to do apart fromstudying. For instance, some teenagers prefer going out with their friendsinstead of sitting in front of books. They don’t think about future and enjoythe present moment. Personally,I feel that youth is not about only studying or going out. It’s about gettingto know this world better. Sometimes it’s really hard to understand otherpeople and accept their point of view, but we all have to learn to be patienttowards others.Inconclusion, I want to say that adolescence is unforgettable. That’s why we needto make bright memories and enjoy every single moment of our youth.

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