Пожалуйсто помогите срочно соченение на тему новый год в России плиз…

zx747 18 ноября 2023

Пожалуйсто помогите срочно соченение на тему новый год в России плиз очень СРОЧНО!

категория: английский язык


Before the XV century (perhaps also to the adoption of Christianity) in Russia New Year is March 1 on the Julian calendar. In 1348 the Council was held in Moscow, which is necessary to start the year in September, not March. In XV century the new year began on September 1, information about the celebration of the New Year come from the end of the XV century. "Paris dictionary Muscovites» (XVI century) kept the Russian name of the New Year holiday: Day of the year.[Edit] New Year celebrations before 1700During the celebration of the New Year ceremony, held in the Kremlin "On STARTED new summer", "On letoprovozhdenie" or "a long-standing health." Ceremony began at about 9 am on the current account.

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