Правильно ли грамматически составлены предложения

amber 27 октября 2023

Правильно ли грамматически составлены предложения. I wish I would fly to Cuba. Because to Cuba you can fly in any timeof the year- there is never ending beachfront (tourist) season. Cuba — is the huge green island in the Caribbean Sea. The pride of Cuba are wonderful sand beaches. I have been on the Azov, the Black, Red and Dead seas, and I wish I would swim in the Caribbean sea, and dive with aqualung in the place of sunken ships. 1 would also like to visit the Cuban capital Havana. Havana — the most beautiful city of the country, there are historical buildings which included in the list of the world cultural heritage of UNESCO . Learn about the culture, to visit interesting tours; I would also like to go fishing on a yacht and perhaps I will catch there the blue Marlin. If I fly in Cuba I will bring gifts for my family, for my mother it is a sombrero, for Father it is rum, for the sisters it is a maracas , and for my boyfriend it is cigars and for me it is t-shirt with image of the Guevara.

категория: английский язык


Правильно! Я все проверила и перепроверила.

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